Originally from St. Louis, MO, Andrew Trost has carved a name for himself as a distinguished cinematographer living and working in New York City. Over the past decade, he has skillfully knit together cinematic landscapes, working alongside various artists to craft narratives that move, inspire, and captivate.

In 2025, F*ckUps Anonymous was selected to have its world premiere at the prestigious SXSW Film Festival in the Independent TV Pilots Program.  

In 2024, Andrew was honored as the winner of the Emerging Cinematographer Award from the International Cinematographers Guild (ICG).

In November 2023, Andrew's work on ACCIDENTAL STARS for director Emily Bennett won the award for Best Cinematography at the esteemed FilmQuest film festival in Utah.  

Further accolades include Andrew's collaboration with director Rodney Passe on Where are the African Gods? which gained prestigious recognition as a “Vimeo Staff Pick”, along with being presented in notable art galleries nationwide. The poignant New York Rhapsody, by filmmaker Sal D’Alia, has garnered 3 best cinematography awards and was featured in over 40 global festivals.

As a proud member of ICG Local 600, Andrew has worked alongside the best in the industry on movies and television for A24, HBO, and Netflix.  

On set Andrew promotes creative growth, inclusivity, and a collaborative atmosphere. Between projects you can find him exploring new foods, taking photographs, and hiking with his loyal dog, Mason.